FreeLUG will participate to the “Mondial de la Maquette et du Model Réduit” (International models show) in Paris (the 23rd and 24th of April 2005)

, by  Didier MALON
[English] [français]

Our members and friends who frequently are reading our web pages may remember that few months ago we were talking about afiliation withe the French Trains Modelers Federation (FFMF).

Here is a first issue coming through this afiliation.

From the begining

When we started to be in touch with the FFMF, during 2004 International Models Show, we were previously motivated by a presentation of our FreeLUG association. We were shy and we’d just like to know, how we could take part to their “train models” activities, bringing our LEGO® toys passion.

We tried to learn how our activity could be accepted by these fabulous handworkers and we suggested we could also be a part of this big event.

We were pleased to notice that our goals were merging when we participated to our first models exhibitions (such as La Tour du Pin, Bourgoin-Jallieu, Claix, Orléans, Saint-Etienne, etc...), so we know that we are able to present intersting displays to young and less young visitors.

So here we are today, ready to take part to this great exhibition in our nice city of Paris.

The FFMF just confirmed their agreement to let us a 3x6m space, during the first week-end of this two weeks event.

Maybe a week-end seams too short, but those who already participated to such events such as the Legoworld in Zwolle or Brickfestival in Bruxells know how difficult it is to participate. It is true that at this date, we’re not enough in our organization to manage a full two weeks participation. So this proposal from the FFMF is a good opportunity to show our know-how on a short period as we used to do.

How to make it

Ok, if you start to have a look on your LEGO® collection, asking yourself “Right, what will I prepare ?”. You already started to earn 2mn of your time, because you understood it, we will have to make it fast ! So we will need to have a strict coordination (specially, if you want to join us from abroad) if we want to have something nice according the short delay.

So just answer to the questions Who, What, When, Where, How, How much ?

Who ?

Only FreeLUG members could participate to this exhibition. So you need to be updated with your financial contribution to our association. You could join us in several ways : physical participation in layout module design, loaning MOCs such as buildings, vehicules, trains, programming, old sets for static exhibition (we should have show cases) or just sharing ideas and or information.

Unfortunately we are limited in Access Pass, only 12 exhibitors could get one. All the attendants will be credited for their participation, but only 12 “happy few” will be able to get a pass. Others will have to come as visitors.

So the attendants list will be published and validated according the work progress.

What ?

Sorry for those who don’t care with trains, but we are invited by the French Train Models Federation, so once again, it will be about train.

But in a train display, we can put a lot off stuff : automats, thinks moving, lighting, blinking...

To make it fast, I realdy designed a first draft of the layout, so you could have an idea about where you could locate your creations.

I also suggest to define a topic, in order to have a kind of coherence between our realizations.

I’ve got already some ideas, but I’m expecting your feedback to select one that will please most of us :

- modern network / old network / sci-fi network
- french network / european network / american network
- town landscape / country landscape / mountain landscape
- single topic / no topic defined
- 100% MOC / official LEGO® sets allowed

Thanks to give your feedback while registrering.

If you have a look on the draft layout document, you will see that it is designed to present two stages. The lower will integrate hidden tracks, in order to prepare the train compositions. The upper stage will be a single track network, including a bridge.

Voltage of the networks are just indicated for information, at least the design will indicate what the participants are able to provide and present.

When ?

I’m expecting that until the end of this January month, we will define the participants list, then we will be able to discuss a little about the technical issues during our FreeLUG General Meeting the 6th and 7th of February (for those who could attend).

I recommend also mails exchanges on a dedicated mailing list and some meeting on our chat, at periodical dates (eg : every sunday evening from 5:00 pm to 6:00 pm - Paris time, if everybody agree).

We will be able to install our display on Friday the 22nd of April in the evening (we may continue on Saturday morning before exhibition opening at 10:00 am). All details will be comfirmed as they will be requested.

Where ?

We will have a dedicated area in the “youth activities” area of the FFMF.

I’m expecting to have soon all details regarding table size, show cases. We may also set a kid workshop, where young visitors will be able to build their own creations.

How ?

I add on my personal FreeLUG gallery dedicated pages “Mondial de la Maquette 2005” where we will be able to edit all our ideas, job progress, documents...

Each attendant committ to manage his own creation in order to integrate it in the general display. Everything should match when we will make the assembly.

For those who would like to present their creations (don’t forget, it’s about train) in show cases, thanks to prepare also the labels according the template that will be available in the gallery. One of the 12 people on site will manage the show case presentation.

FYI : The exhibition all is under survey all night long by professionnal security guards.

How much ?

There is no compensation for this exhibition. The FFMF who invites us will offer the meals for the 12 volunteers in a dedicated restaurant.

We’re expecting, as usual, that we could set some agreements between our local members for logging the attendants coming from abroad. This will be very helpfull.
Do not hesitate to contact me directly if you need some help to prepare your visit.

We did not define yet the saturday night diner, but we could be confident in our capabiliy to handle such task.

See you soon...


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