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Track Designer Custom Registry
Track Designer is originally bundled with a registry (a library of elements such as tracks and baseplates). Unfortunately this registry has not been updated since a long time.
New modified registry or new elements created by AFOLs are available on the Internet but, unfortunately, they are dispersed and not easily retrievable. The difficulty to put new elements in a registry may prevent people from modifying it.
That’s why we aim to gather in one registry all the custom elements.
These elements are various from baseplates to “plane view” of officials sets.
Download the last version
The last version of registry and its description are available in the article Custom registry description
Use the new registry
To make Track Designer use another registry, the way is easy : upload the registry and save it on the Track Designer directory. Then, use the “options” command in the “view” menu. Click on Element Registry and Browse : Select the registry.
Warning : the layout made with a previous version are maybe no more functional with the new registry. We strongly recommand to keep all the previous registry.