Custom registry description

Cet article présente la plus récente version du registre custom pour Track Designer ainsi que les éléments qui le composent.

This article presents the latest version of the Track Designer custom registry and the elements it contains.

La plus récente version du registre : 0.9f

Latest version of the registry : 0.9f

Custom registry 0.9f
Contributeur Nature de la contribution
Erik Amzallag Dessins, plaques de base
Pierre Normandin Dessins (bitmap pictures) et registres (registries), plaques de base (baseplates), plaques espace (space baseplates), rails customs (custom tracks), plateformes (platforms)

- Les images suivantes ont été tirées du registre et converties au format .jpeg.
- Les numéros et descriptions correspondent à ceux de Peeron.
- Les auteurs mentionnés sont ceux ayant contribué gracieusement à ce registre en soumettant les images. Il est possible que des images semblables aient pu être produites par d’autres personnes à notre insu et nous n’en sommes pas responsables.

- The followings pictures come from the registry and have been converted into jpeg files.
- The numbers and descriptions (reference column) are from Peeron.
- The names in the last column are the contributing authors. Similar pictures might have been made by other people without our knowledge and we are not in any way responsible for any confusion, apparent duplication or other issues arising from this.

Image Reference Auteur/Author
309p01 {JPEG} 309p01 - Baseplate 32 x 32 Service Station with Pattern Pierre Normandin
309p02 {JPEG} 309p02 - Baseplate 32 x 32 Island with River Pattern Pierre Normandin
309px1 {JPEG} 309p03 - Baseplate 32 x 32 Service Station with White Lines and Crosswalk Pattern Pierre Normandin
309px2 {JPEG} 309p04 - Baseplate 32 x 32 Service Station with White and Green Lines and Crosswalk Pattern Pierre Normandin
425p01 {JPEG} 425p01 - Baseplate 32 x 32 Road 3 Lane with Race Track Pattern Pierre Normandin
425px1 {JPEG} 425px1 - Baseplate 32 x 32 Road 3 Lane with Green Lines, White Dashed Lines, and Crosswalk Pattern Pierre Normandin
608p02 {JPEG} 608p02 - Baseplate 32 x 32 Road 9-Stud T Intersection with Green Octagon Pierre Normandin
608p03 {JPEG} 608p03 - Baseplate 32 x 32 Road 9-Stud T Intersection with Yellow Lines Pierre Normandin
2358p02 {JPEG} 2358p02 - Baseplate 32 x 32 Road 7-Stud Straight with Runway Pattern Pierre Normandin
2359px3 {JPEG} 2359px3 - Baseplate 32 x 32 Road 7-Stud Curve with Foliage and Lagoon Pattern Erik Amzallag
2617 Grey {JPEG} 2617 - Platform 16 x 16 x 2 & 1/3 Even Grey Pierre Normandin
2617 Dark Grey {JPEG} 2617 - Platform 16 x 16 x 2 & 1/3 Even Dark Grey Pierre Normandin
2642 Grey {JPEG} 2642 - Platform 16 x 16 x 2 & 1/3 Ramp Grey Pierre Normandin
2642 Dark Grey {JPEG} 2642 - Platform 16 x 16 x 2 & 1/3 Ramp Dark Grey Pierre Normandin
3811p02 {JPEG} 3811p02 - Baseplate 32 x 32 with Island Pattern Pierre Normandin
3867p01 {JPEG} 3867p01 - Baseplate 16 x 16 with Island and Water Pattern Pierre Normandin
3947 {JPEG} 3947 - Baseplate 32 x 32 with Craters Pierre Normandin
4186p01 {JPEG} 4186p01 - Baseplate 48 x 48 with Playing Field Pattern Pierre Normandin
4478p01 {JPEG} 4478p01 - Baseplate 32 x 32 with Driveway and Gray Pattern Pierre Normandin
4478px1 {JPEG} 4478px1 - Baseplate 32 x 32 with Driveway and White Lines Pattern Pierre Normandin
6024px2 {JPEG} 6024px2 - Baseplate 32 x 32 Canyon Plate with Foliage, Rocks, and Lagoon Pattern Erik Amzallag
6024px5 {JPEG} 6024px5 - Baseplate 32 x 32 Canyon Plate with Mountain and River Rapids Pattern Erik Amzallag
6099p02 {JPEG} 6099p02 - Baseplate 32 x 32 Road 9-Stud Landing Pad with Green Octagon Pierre Normandin
6099p03 {JPEG} 6099p03 - Baseplate 32 x 32 Road 9-Stud Landing Pad with Yellow Circle Pierre Normandin
6100p01 {JPEG} 6100p01 - Baseplate 32 x 32 with 3 Driveways and Set 6571 Pattern Pierre Normandin
6100px1 {JPEG} 6100px1 - Baseplate 32 x 32 with 3 Driveways, White Lines, and Circled H Pattern Pierre Normandin
6100px2 {JPEG} 6100px2 - Baseplate 32 x 32 with 3 Driveways and Outer Lanes Labeled 1 and 2 Pierre Normandin
6100px3 {JPEG} 6100px3 - Baseplate 32 x 32 with 3 Driveways and Diagonal Lines Pattern Pierre Normandin
6100pb04 {JPEG} 6100pb04 - Baseplate, Road 32 x 32 with 3 Driveways, ’1’ center, ’2’ right Pattern (Set 6383) Pierre Normandin
30030p01 {JPEG} 30030p01 - Baseplate 32 x 32 with Racing Pattern Pierre Normandin
30225p01 {JPEG} 30225p01 - Baseplate 16 x 16 Driveway with Gray Drive Pattern Pierre Normandin
30225p02 {JPEG} 30225p02 - Baseplate 16 x 16 Driveway with Gray Drive/White Stripes Pattern Pierre Normandin
30401px1 {GIF} 30401px1 - Baseplate 16 x 32 Roadway Ramp Straight with White Center Stripe Pattern (Set 6600) Pierre Normandin
30402px1 {JPEG} 30402px1 - Baseplate 24 x 24 Roadway Ramp Curved with White Center Stripe Pattern (Set 6600) Pierre Normandin
44336p01 {JPEG} 44336p01 - Baseplate 32 x 32 Road 6-Stud Straight with Road Pattern Pierre Normandin
44336px4 {JPEG} 44336px4 - Baseplate 32 x 32 Road 6-Stud Straight with White Dashed Lines Pattern Pierre Normandin
44341px1 {JPEG} 44341px1 - Baseplate 32 x 32 Road 6-Stud T Intersection with Dark Gray Road Pattern Pierre Normandin
44341px2 {JPEG} 44341px2 - Baseplate 32 x 32 Road 6-Stud T Intersection with White Dashed Lines and Crosswalk Pattern Pierre Normandin
44342p01 {JPEG} 44342p01 - Baseplate 32 x 32 Road 6-Stud Curve with Pattern Pierre Normandin
44342px2 {JPEG} 44342px2 - Baseplate 32 x 32 Road 6-Stud Curve with White Dashed Lines Pattern Pierre Normandin
44343px1 {JPEG} 44343px1 - Baseplate 32 x 32 Road 6-Stud Crossroads with Dark Gray Road and Crosswalks Pattern Pierre Normandin
44343px3 {JPEG} 44343px3 - Baseplate 32 x 32 Road 6-Stud Crossroads with White Dashed Lines and Crosswalks Pattern Pierre Normandin
Pièces modifiées / custom parts
Double-points-left {JPEG} Aiguillage double gauche, Double Points Left Pierre Normandin
JPEG Aiguillage double droite, Double Points Right Pierre Normandin
JPEG Demi-courbe d’aiguillage gauche, Half Curve Left Points Pierre Normandin
JPEG Demi-courbe d’aiguillage droite, Half Curve Right Points Pierre Normandin
JPEG Demi-rail droit, Half Straight Pierre Normandin
Quarter-straight-track {JPEG} Quart de rail droit, Quarter Straight Pierre Normandin

Ont aussi été ajoutées au registre : les plaques de base de format 8x16, 8x32, 16x16, 16x32 et 32x32 dans la plupart des couleurs disponibles et/ou ayant été produites.

Baseplates at the following sizes have also been added to the registry in most available and/or produced colours : 8x16, 8x32, 16x16, 16x32 and 32x32.

Il est possible que les rendus n’aient pas été faits à toutes les échelles. Les rendus des échelles à 2 tenons par pixel et 1 tenon par pixel sont presque tous complets.

A few elements are available only in the scale of 2 and 1pixel/stud

Archives :

Version 0.9e

Custom registry 0.9e

Version 0.9d

Custom registry 0.9d


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